Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Porn Names in MLB?

Here's the list...

It was written by some guy. The cool thing about it is that "some guy" might actually have less credibility than me! Well, I'm gonna steal his idea with a very slight variation. Baseball players with Porn names... but specifically CHICK PORN NAMES!!! If you saw girls with these names chowing box in a girl-on-girl movie, you wouldn't bat an eye about it. Just for the hell of it, I'm gonna link chick pictures whenever possible!!!

1) Kosuke Fukudome - How can anybody possibly beat this name? Break it down by syllable! Fuck-You, Do Me!!!!!!! What's more porn than that!?

2) Chase Headley - Hahaha, his name actually involves the words "Chase Head"

3) B.J. Upton - Girls named B.J. can go a long way in the business.

4) Kerry Wood - Kerri? Never the less, she loves the wood.

5) Dana Eveland - Just think of the name Eve Land, as a secondary innuendo for the vagina, in an Adam and Eve sort of way.

6) Joey Devine - Yeah, I'm picking on the Oakland A's. I didn't give this guy the same last name as Ava.

7) Dallas McPherson - Brings new meaning to Debbie Does Dallas.

8) Jesse Litsch - If you say it fast... or if you call him Jesse-liscious. Which isn't a stretch.

9) Coco Crisp - First search of the name Coco on Google Images. I rest my case.

10) Randy Winn - Who also should have made the male list... with a name like RANDY. That goes both ways...

1 comment:

  1. A-Rod, i know its not his real name but a nick name and not a chick porn name but definetly a good one.-candass
